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How to Stock a Home Bar on a Shoestring?

As the week turns to the weekend, merrymakers rush to bottle shops at the drop of a hat. For the love of booze, how passionately they would have wished for a home bar is something that doesn’t surprise. After all, there is no greater happiness on a Friday night than booze coming easy. And, serving drinks to friends and family right within the comfort of your home is a feeling best described as exulting with slight undertones of pride maybe.

However, building a home bar is easier said than done. And, stocking it upright is a slippery slope. Just in case you miss something, the whole experience goes for a toss. An even bigger problem is the budget. While a well-stocked bar is a dream for many, only a few have the resources to put the concept to reality, and they settle for workarounds.

If you’re someone having a severe relationship with booze and keen on stocking up your house bar with the best-of-breed, our guide is the answer. Inside, we have provided step-to-step instructions on what you all need to do to build a successful and efficient home bar. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

1. Choose Standard Spirits over the Splashier Ones

One common mistake while stocking home bars is choosing rare and expensive spirits that impress the guests certainly but are of no use on a general day. Think about it, don’t you prefer sipping over an exquisite glass of wine in the company of your friends instead of having it after a day at work? Of course, you do! Don’t forget that the first customer of your home bar is you, and so you must always pick alcohol you prefer, brands that suit your taste.

2. Begin Slow and Improve Steadily

Since the idea of building a well-stocked home bar is tempting, it’s obvious to indulge just a bit more and splurge. However, mind you that such an investment is no investment and regretted later. Slow and steady is the ideal approach. Don’t try to build Rome overnight, instead make one move at a time. Begin with stocking up liquors and ingredients you essentially need to make cocktails. Gradually, add more variety to the shelves and include garnishes. You can also try adding a range of glassware at the counter. They make for a beautiful sight, we bet.

3. Alcohol Selection

Handpicking a few from the oceanic variety of alcohol is always a challenge. However, it’s an important thing to do because your hard-earned money is involved. To begin with, buy plenty of gin, one of the most popular base spirits for preparing cocktails. Then, bring home vodka, scotch whiskey, wine, tequila, and rum. Pick your selection one after the other and refrain from going into overdrive. Don’t lose your money in action. Also, it’d be wise if you arranged for colas and sodas for teetotalers. They don’t drink, but they should have something to sip over as they feast on pizzas at a party.

Bonus Tip:

Mixers are important. As you decide on stocking mixers, begin with club soda, tonic water, Cola or Sprite, cranberry juice, orange juice, ginger ale, and pineapple juice. As for the garnishes, cocktail olives, horseradish, lemons, and Tabasco sauce will do the trick.

That’s a wrap to this guide on stocking a home bar on a budget. For more such posts, keep following this space. The interesting ones will be covered on our website.