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7 Reasons Why Beer is the Most Loved Drink

Beer is the 5th most consumed beverage in the world. Yes, you read that right! What is more surprising is that the others in the top 5 are non-alcoholic beverages. So, what drives it to the top 5? The bitter-tasting alcoholic drink (for some) has numerous fans worldwide and the ones who don't like it!

Let's give you 7 reasons why people love Beer so much!

1. Tastes good. No?

Pretty controversial. But, Beer has so many types and flavors that you might end up getting something that suits your taste buds. You would be surprised to know that the world's most extended hangover lasted four weeks after a Scotsman consumed 60 pints of Beer. So, someone ended up getting a great-tasting beer.

2. Refreshes you

What can be better than having a chilled beer on a hot day? Beer is excellent at hydrating, and that fothering beautiful-looking Beer can cool you down and refresh you.

Beer for Refreshment

3. Cares for your kidney

Don't be surprised, but research shows that beer consumption can lower the risk of kidney stones. No, other drinks don't give the same benefit. So, hold your thought.

4. A bone strengthener

So, this is more of a health benefit, but it's enough for anyone to switch to Beer right away! The high level of silicon in Beer ensures better bone density, and who doesn't want this?

5. A mood soother

Though Beer is alcoholic, its low alcoholic content makes you feel comfortable. The chances of alcohol taking over you are low unless you're not guzzling a solid beer with high alcohol content.

Beer a mood soother

6. It’s fiber-rich

The fiber in Beer? Yes, an average beer contains up to 20% of daily fiber intake, and take an excellent rich craft beer, and you might see the number touching up to 60% in a liter. It slows down your digestion which helps in reducing cholesterol levels, perhaps the only level that no one wants higher!

7. Reduces chances of heart attacks

Need more reason why it's so loved? Beer is known to make arteries more flexible, hence improving blood flow. Who doesn't want to keep the engine running efficiently?

So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your favorite bottle of Beer and fall in love with it.

Beer is good for health

Did you know?

The Strongest Beer in the world has a 67.5% alcohol content.

*The article is based on facts obtained from various websites. We are not responsible for any claims.